Reports came in that apparently this week a "Pallid Harrier" was spotted on the SSSI marshland (over the sea-wall).
To see more photos and exercise the twitcher within, click here
Apparently this rare bird has only ever been seen in Essex once.
A Blog for and about issues for residents of Lee-Over-Sands, St Osyth, Essex - a small hamlet commmunity of 34 properties on Colne Point - one of the most remote isolated communities in the UK, includes property listings of property for sale.
A vicious circle exists for Mr Smith: Where to accept water payments for his private water supply would be to accept responsibility for its maintenance; and to reject responsibility for the water supply means providing an alternative.
Hence his strategy of demanding subscriber payments to the new supply pipe work, instead of previously billing recipients for the water they have received over the years.
The irony is, that had regular water bills been circulated, over the years they could have paid for future independently billed household Veolia supplies for Lee over sands residents, whilst also satisfying Mr Smith’s insatiable desire to disband their private Water supply.
I believe that in the language of Pooh, Piglet & Christopher Robin what has actually happened would be know as an “un-compromise”. What do you think?
Date 15th August 2011
Read on, for matters of little consequence!
It appears that Smiths Farms younger generation may be moving into the field (of Rave parties). To be precise the field next to Lee over Sands, but also not too far from the Smiths’ respective homes in nearby Wigboro Wick.
I was on the phone to Guy Smith at 4.30am yesterday morning, when the field rave nearby changed up a gear, boosting the sound to ‘raising the dead’ levels, & playing havoc with my sleep pattern. Guy must have been at his desk the speed he picked up the phone, and instantly referred me on to his brother Philip Smith, who unsurprisingly was not responding at 4.30am .
The party continued the following day and whilst propping up my eye lids with match sticks that afternoon, I decided to telephone Philip again to try and head off another potentially sleepless night. I was asking Philip for reassurance the sound system would not be turned up in the small hours when we were trying to sleep on a second night running. Philip was unwilling to give me this re-assurance, but it wasn’t long before he asked if we were going to sign a water agreement, although which water agreement he was not quite sure about. I had to put the phone down in the end when one of my matchsticks collapsed under the strain of my emulsified eyeballs. It was a relief when the party goers finally called it a day and not a second night. We understand Ben Smith is responsible for the rave, happy birthday Ben, live long & prosper!
The following day, whilst ‘walking my dog’ by the sea wall next to the party site, I realised the Hay stack wall we had all been a little perplexed by, was the best possible sound proofing between the party and the Smith brothers respective homes nestling out of view in the back ground behind it. Another resident took the view the Hay stack was actually designed to funnel sound directly at us. There was certainly nothing to prevent the sound coming our way.