Thursday, 13 June 2013

Lee-Over-Sands Golf Club

I found an interesting page this evening while browsing through Google Images of Lee-Over-Sands which sheds some light on the history of the area before it was bought by Smiths Farms in the 1960s. 

I remember the land surrounding our houses in Lee-Over-Sands were sold originally as plots for the "Healthy Lee-Over-Sands" holiday park, which was intended to be developed after the War, I believe in the 1960s, which liquidated and forced a sale of the land.

But I was unaware of the previous usage of the land prior to our homes being built circa 1934.
It seems that the land was originally a golf-course in 1924, some 10 years before the houses were built on Wall Street.
The bungalow was originally the "clubhouse" this was knocked down a couple of years ago and was on the bend after the original Lee-Wick farmhouse which you can see behind the treeline, Notice the distinctive bend in the road.

As you can see from this sketched map, "Beach Road" and "Wall Street" did not exist then, although no source can be verified for this map, presumably its been redrawn in modern times for the website given the intensity of the colouration.

I heard stories that troops were billeted into the homes on Beach Road and Wall Street during that time, hence the pillbox and tank traps near the creek. 

Apparently the golf club vanished after the war - This makes some sense as I'm sure during wartime troops would have not encouraged golfers whacking projectiles from behind them! 

Perhaps more information about the wartime history of Lee-Over-Sands will surface eventually.

You can read the full golf orientated web-page I found here

Friday, 17 May 2013

Road Maintenance 2013

I just wanted to publicly thank the road's owner Guy Smith, Robbie Hales, and Jonathan Nott for all their hard work in maintaining the access road to our community over the last year.

Its now a pleasure approaching Lee-Over-Sands - the teeth gritting bumpy ride is now a thing of the past thanks to their combined initiatives, effort and equipment.

I'm sure all residents are now noticing that vehicle servicing costs, safety for older residents in terms of speed of emergency vehicle access and even our property values will certainly benefiting from their continued efforts in this enterprise.

Well done from this very happy resident!

House for sale....

The lovely house next door to Robbie is up for sale - For full details, see here...

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Shoeburyness Explosions

As regular readers will know, for all Lee-Over-Sands's idyllic atomosphere, its nature reserve on Colne Point and highest UK sunshine figures, it has something that spoils the perfection.

The Shoeburyness Explosions. 

Lee-Over-Sands is approx 10-12 miles from the QinetiQ MOD site - yet we feel the affects here like a minor earthquake. Residents further up the coast in Jaywick also suffer from it - vibrations are worse sometimes mainly due to atmospheric conditions.

So its now 2013 and still the explosions go on, shaking my home like an earthquake - When I bought my home nothing appeared in the "local searches" to indicate the problem - I only discovered it after moving in.

Every year I wonder if it will ever end.

Does complaining help? No.

Its pretty insulting when you receive letters implying you its "in your imagination" and it can't possibly happen as the noise levels are within tolerable limits. The noise isn't the issue, its the airborne shockwave that causes the problem, it rushes across the sea, across the seawall and makes my roof and entire house shake with the disturbance to the air (pressure differential).

I've tried writing to the local paper, the Clacton & Frinton Gazette, also my MP Douglas Carswell, QinetiQ themselves. Phoned the "complaints line" continually, and given up dozens of times because nothing is ever done to stop it - citing historical reasons ("its always gone on").

Our local MP even raised it in parliament - after enquiries from locals but was ignored as its "more important" to keep it going because it helps "our boys in Afghanistan" what a load of nonsense propaganda.

QinetiQ are a privately owned government contracted company that "disposes" of munitions and have their own deadlines - why would a company which is more bothered about commercial profit and whose sole purpose is to process munitions (blow them up) actually care about the peace and quiet of thousands of local people along the Kent & Essex coast?

With regard to the "possibility" of property damage caused by the explosions - The ministry of defence say its impossible - well you sit quietly in my home office when the explosions happen - you see what its like.

For me working from home, the biggest issue is not damage caused by the vibrations, its the loss of my "peace", absolutely nothing prepares you for it, no amount of email alerts stating "Explosions may be noticed" on a weekly email are helpful to calm my nerves on days when its bad. It makes you jump and is quite stressful to deal with - randomly having to face an unscheduled earthquake dozens of times a day on certain days.

There is nothing online about any organisations who are against it all - so I've set up a Facebook group to try and raise awareness and help to organise some kind of coordinated activism.

Click here and join / "like" the page if you are on Facebook.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

60 Years ago... The Great Flood hit Lee-Over-Sands

Thursday 31st of January is the 60th Anniversary of the 1953 Flood where 303 people died along the East Coast, and 37 people died during the night in Jaywick.

The flood water breached sea defences to the North West of Lee-Over-Sands where the sea-wall meets the high ground near Dumont Avenue in Point Clear - it then filled our area and washed across the low lying land from Lee-Over-Sands towards Jaywick on that fateful night.

This led me to ponder (as all Lee-Over-Sands residents do) about our relationship with the sea, our precarious historical reliance on the sea-wall (for those of us in "Wall Street") and how half of our community lies protected behind a sea wall that was bolstered after its failure in that fateful year.

You can see how Wall Street is protected during the spring tide!

Keith Simmonds, my girlfriend's brother in-law who grew up in the area remembers "Beach Road" in his childhood not having a tidal creek in front of the properties, the houses were actually "on the beach".

You can see evidence of this if you stand on the sea wall going towards Point Clear - between Lee-Over-Sands and the sewage works you can clearly see that even over the years the landscape has changed dramatically, why? Put simply - the land height is very different due to the sea defences blocking new sediment over decades.

The tidal action of the creek washing silt in twice daily is actually building a vast natural sea defence, and is forming a river delta - this may of course be why the environment agency is scaling back its protection and maintenance of our section.

The river delta is of course what is now known as our nature reserve, the formation of which has also created the second creek in front of the Beach Road properties.

You might think that this theory is rubbish, but don't forget that in Roman times, Colchester was actually not "inland" at all, and had a sea-faring port.

But how many years has this and height difference formed over?

We all know the sea wall height was increased after 1953, but how long was it here before that?

Although it doesn't go into precise details, there is mention of a sea wall in the area dating back to the 12th Century in the book - "The Great Tide", written to document the flooding and to explain what happened. In the extensive background information - there is record of local landowners petititoning the crown to be given aid and manpower to help protect farmland - although it doesn't go into details, with so many sea defences in the area it might not be our sea wall.

The difference in land height of course with the land behind the sea defences and the tidal creek nature reserve is now quite significant, approx 4 metres at least - which of course has either formed over hundreds of years or if Keith's story is considered, might even be less than a hundred years - Who knows - One day I'll investigate parish records or meet someone who remembers when the sea wall was first built.

I would love to see some older maps and compare more details over centuries if anyone has anything!

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Road Condition Worsens

Andy Haynes asked me to post the following on his behalf...